Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mystery Bird!

What a surprise I got this morning as I downloaded the photos from our last bird count. This bird appeared and no one ID'ed it for the bird count. I'll go back and add it to the Feederwatch count. The photos were captured by Devonai W. Nice job, Devonai - the pictures show the important field marks that help to ID birds. Use the internet or the classroom field guides to help with the ID.
I thought it would be a good extra credit activity for you to ID this bird. It's worth 5 quiz points if you correctly identify this bird. Add your entry to the comments and list the field marks that led to your identification of this bird. Don't forget your first name, last initial only so I can ID you and apply any points. Good luck...
Ms. Carreau


  1. I think I figured it out! I think it is a White-throated Sparrow. My dad has a book on how to indentify North American Birds. I looked in the Perching Bird section. Once I got there I looked for a sparrow-type bird. Obviously, there many that looked like that. So I looked for one that had yellow streaks on the front of it's head and that had white stripes on the top of it's head and under it's chin. There was only one that looked like this, the White-throated Sparrow. Heather H

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  3. I think that this bird is a White-throated Sparrow. I used the yellow mark just above the eye to narrow my search. I also noticed that the wings have a striped pattern. I went online to and narrowed my search using the pictures. I looked at the description of the White-throated Sparrow and it said that the features such as the black eyestripe, the white crown and the yellow lores made it easy to identify the bird. It also stated that it had long legs and a narrow tail. I believe that this mystery bird is the White-throated Sparrow.

    Lauren M

  4. It's a White-Throated Sparrow, Mrs. Carreau.

    -Oteria L.

  5. Yes, it is a white throated sparrow. I have to say I've never noticed one of those before I saw the picture. Those of you who identified it correctly and reported field markings get 5 points. Those of you who just identified it will get 2 points.
    I hope you are all out there enjoying the good weather!
    M. Carreau
