Sunday, March 28, 2010

A successful conclusion to Project FeederWatch!

Thursday and Friday were our last official Project FeederWatch count days. Adrian B captured some nice images of goldfinches in the middle of their springtime molt. We'll try to get some of them in full summertime plumage as the season progresses. See the post below if you need some extra credit!

Chickadee - always at the feeders.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mystery Bird!

What a surprise I got this morning as I downloaded the photos from our last bird count. This bird appeared and no one ID'ed it for the bird count. I'll go back and add it to the Feederwatch count. The photos were captured by Devonai W. Nice job, Devonai - the pictures show the important field marks that help to ID birds. Use the internet or the classroom field guides to help with the ID.
I thought it would be a good extra credit activity for you to ID this bird. It's worth 5 quiz points if you correctly identify this bird. Add your entry to the comments and list the field marks that led to your identification of this bird. Don't forget your first name, last initial only so I can ID you and apply any points. Good luck...
Ms. Carreau

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Next Data Collection

Mourning Dove

March 4 and 5 are Feederwatch days. I've printed out the data we've collected so far which we will analyze and make some predictions about what the next few weeks will bring based upon the data. Bring your camera if you have one.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

2-26-10 bird photos

I think this robin photo is just begging for a caption.
Send in your suggestions. The photo was taken right after last weeks snowstorms. Perhaps the robin is rethinking the whole migration issue. Nice photo Lauren!

Robin - Lauren O.