Monday, September 20, 2010

Mantis Monday

Thanks Michael, for bringing in the beautiful praying mantis. They are quite active and visible this time of year as they are getting ready to lay eggs, and the foliage where they hide is starting to die back for the winter.
An extra credit opportunity: using the visible markings on the meter stick, how long is the mantis from head to bottom end, ignoring antennae and legs? Click on the word comments below and leave your estimate.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


SCIENCE 8 Homework due tomorrow 9/16 - DENSITY DRILL worksheet
Quiz Friday on Density!

SCIENCE 6 Homework due tomorrow 9/16 - SCIENTIFIC METHOD worksheet
Quiz Friday on Scientific Method!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Metamorphosis - Part A

One of the most frequently asked questions is how did a yellow, black, and white striped caterpillar turn into the green with gold flecked chrysalis? I spent the better part of this morning capturing the metamorphic process on video.

When I saw a caterpillar hanging in the shape of a "J", I knew things were about to change.

Here is what happened: